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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2024-04-08 00:05:52 |  访问:2025

复旦大学国际金融学院(Fudan International School of Finance,简称FISF)是按照国际一流商学院管理模式和标准创办,专注于高端金融人才培养和金融领域学术智库研究的商学院。 学院一直致力于经济学的创新性应用研究以及理论研究,同时招聘隶属于复旦大学应用经济学以及理论经济学流动站的博士后研究人员。学院师资力量雄厚,资深教授全部获得国际一流商学院终身教职,并且在金融经济学科各个领域担任学科带头人。学院教授在国际顶级学术期刊发表数十篇具有影响力的学术论文,同时完成了数十篇高质量的智库报告,并被政府机构所采纳。 复旦大学国际金融学院现面向国内外公开招聘2名博士后研究人员,从事资产定价和机器学习、公司金融、国际金融与贸易、金融计量与统计、金融科技、房地产金融、中国金融体系的开放与安全等领域的研究工作,热忱欢迎符合申请条件、有志于金融研究工作(特别是智库研究)的博士毕业生加入。   一、 申请条件 1. 遵纪守法,品行端正,无违法违纪等不良记录; 2. 新近获得博士学位,或即将获得博士学位的应届博士研究生,年龄在35周岁以下,身体健康; 3. 具备全脱产从事博士后研究工作的条件; 4.具有扎实的经济、金融、管理理论基础和较高的外语水平; 5. 具备完成博士后研究工作的专业能力和敬业精神; 6. 写作能力突出; 7.熟悉中国各类金融数据库,善于数据分析; 8.能接受一定时间的成都出差。   二、 相关福利待遇 1. 博士后研究人员进站后,薪酬待遇参照国家和复旦大学的相关标准,学院提供有竞争力的薪资; 2. 给予科研成果发表奖励,规则与学院教授相同,参与科研项目按规定发放一定的劳务报酬; 3. 提供良好的职业发展空间; 4. 全职博士后可租住学校博士后公寓; 5. 条件符合的博士后可以申请学校或上海市“超级博士后计划”。   三、 申请材料 1. 简历; 2. 来自博导或相关专业领域同等级别专家的推荐信两封; 3. 博士后研究计划(请根据以上所列的研究方向确定具体的课题和研究切入点,计划格式无限制,应包括研究目的和意义、研究方法和内容框架、研究创新等,要求5000字以上。); 4. 博士学历学位证书复印件(应届博士毕业生暂不提供); 5. 博士论文。   四、 其他事项 1. 申请人应将上述申请材料的电子版发送至rc_fisf@fudan.edu.cn。 2. 本站根据申请人提交的申请材料组织面试,择优录用。面试将重点考察应聘者的整体素质、专业基础以及研究能力。面试时间将另行公布。      2024 FISF Postdoctoral Recruitment Initiative   Fudan International School of Finance (FISF) is a business school founded in accordance with the management model and standards of the world's leading business schools, focusing on high-end financial talent education and financial think-tank research.   FISF has been devoted to innovative applied research and theoretical research of economics. It recruits postdoctoral researchers affiliated to the postdoctoral mobile stations of applied economics and theoretical economics of Fudan University. All senior professors in FISF have obtained tenured faculty positions in world-class business schools, and they have served as academic leaders in various fields of finance and economics. Many senior professors of FISF have published multiple influential academic papers in the top international academic journals. At the same time, they have completed many high-quality think tank reports in providing advice to the government, which have been approved by government agencies.   FISF is currently recruiting 2 postdoctoral researchers, engaged in asset pricing and machine learning, corporate finance, international finance and trade, financial measurement and statistics, financial technology, real estate finance, and the opening of the Chinese financial system and other related fields. We warmly welcome doctoral graduates who meet the application requirements and are interested in financial research (especially think tank research) to join.     I. Application Requirements 1. Compliance with regulations and laws, good behavior with no violation of laws and no other bad records; 2. The applicant should be the student who recently achieves the doctoral degree or the Ph.D. candidates under 35 years old with healthy conditions; 3. Full-time postdoctoral research; 4. Solid foundation in Economics, Finance, Management Theories and high level English; 5. Professional abilities and dedication in conducting research; 6. Excellent writing abilities; 7. Familiar with financial databases in China and good at data analysis; 8. Travelling to Chengdu is a must.   II. Welfares and Benefits 1. The remuneration system refers to the relevant standards made by Fudan University. FISF provides competitive salary. 2. Postdoc researchers shall get rewards for their scientific achievements with the same standard of professors and certain labor pay according to the regulations of participating in scientific research projects. 3. Broad space for career development. 4. Fudan apartment are available to full-time postdoctoral researchers to rent. 5. Qualified postdoctoral candidates are allowed to apply for Fudan Super Postdoctoral Program or “Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Program”.   III. Application Materials 1. Resume; 2. Letters of recommendation from doctoral supervisors or equivalent experts of two related disciplines; 3. Postdoctoral research plan (please confirm the specific topic and research entry point according to the research direction listed above, the format of the plan is not limited, at least should include the purpose and significance of the research, research methods and content framework, research and innovation, etc. More than 5000 words); 4. A copy of the doctoral diploma and degree certificate (not for fresh PhD graduates); 5. Doctoral dissertation.   IV. Other Matters 1. Applicants should send the electronic version of the above application materials to rc_fisf@fudan.edu.cn. 2. The station will organize an interview based on the application materials submitted by the applicant, and select the best. The interview focuses on the applicant's overall quality, professional foundation and research capabilities. The interview time will be announced separately.  




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